A Large Family Child Care Home (FCC) means a home that provides family child care for
up to 12 children, or for up to 14 children if authorized by your landlord (if you rent). The capacity includes children under age 10 who reside at the licensee location. If you want to have a Large FCC, chances are that you already have a successful Small FCC. This handout is helpful for understanding the different license capacities.
To qualify for a Large FCC license, you need to:
- Have at least one year of experience as a licensed Small Family Child Care Home provider or as an administrator, director or teacher at a licensed Child Care Center. You will need to show verification, which may include copies of previous licenses or a written statement from your previous employer on company letterhead. The letter should verify your job duties and length of employment.
- File an application with the State of California’s Child Care Licensing. If you are changing from small to large capacity, you need to submit the Application for Family Child care Home License, select Capacity Change and pay $25 to Community Care Licensing for processing fees. Visit this page for additional information on Community Care Licensing Fees.
- Pass the fire inspection. To obtain a large license you must be cleared by the State Fire Marshal. Once you submit your license application for a large facility to Community Care Licensing, you need to have an inspection to be cleared. Follow Community Care Licensing instructions for the fire inspection; it needs to happen within 30 days of the requested day. In order to prepare for the formal inspection, you can request a pre-inspection on your own, but you will need to pay a fee of $136; Residential Care Facility Inspection. This pre-inspection is not mandated, but it is recommended in order to be ready for the inspection. Use this Fire Inspection Check List to prepare.
- Provide proof of control of property. If you rent or lease, you need to show -proof of ‘control of property’ such as a copy of rental agreement or lease. You also need to inform the property owner 30 days before you open as a Large FCC that you will be operating a Large FCC on the premises and provide him/her with the LIC 9151 form. This form is to care for up to 12 children. If you want to serve 14 children, you need to get the written consent from the owner/landlord on the LIC 9149 Learn more about your from the Department of Fair Employment and Housing and the Child Care Law Center.
- If you own or are in the process of buying the house, you need to show proof of ‘control of property’ with a copy of the property deed, the property tax statement, or a payment coupon from the mortgage company or bank.
- If you are planning to make any room additions or other structural changes, you need to get a permit approved and finalized by the City Building Department before you start the renovations. This will avoid permit issues when applying for your large license.
- Establish an eligible adult substitute, if necessary. If you need to be absent for a period of time for an appointment such a doctor’s visit or meetings, licensing establishes that you can be absent for no more than 20% of your operation hours, and you need to have an eligible adult substitute. This substitute must have a criminal record clearance and training in pediatric first aid and pediatric CPR, plus TB clearance and required vaccinations.
- Pass a home inspection from Community Care Licensing. After the State Fire Marshal informs Community Care Licensing that you passed the Fire Inspection, Community Care Licensing will schedule a home inspection with you.
What if I move to a new house?
If you are moving to a different house to open a large FCC, take a look at this visual; it may help you to determine if it meets the basic requirements.
All the adults 18 or older who share the same address need to be fingerprinted to check their background. This includes all residents who are not providing direct care to the children, are not in the premises during caregiving hours, children who turn 18 years while still living in the home, and any adult who lives in a different part of the home such as an in-law unit, a rented room, or a rented guest house that’s on the same property as the family child care home. This does not apply for another apartment in a building. In order to get fingerprinted, adults must have a California or U.S. ID, driver’s license, or Permanent Resident Card. These are the only documents accepted for getting fingerprinted.
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