All staff working at a child care site (including a family child care) must have an up-to-date adult and child CPR certification. This will be checked during annual licensing inspections. These certificates must be updated every 2 years and copies of the certificates must be kept on record at the site.
Where can I get certified for CPR?
Children’s Council offers CPR certification classes in English and Spanish every month. These are 2-day classes held virtually on Thursday evenings, and in-person on Friday evenings. Participation in both days is required to certify.
The American Red Cross organization, the Chinatown Public Health Center, and SEA CHAMPA all offer CPR classes in a variety of languages and locations.
How much does it cost?
CPR classes typically cost between $80-150 depending on where you go. Classes at Children’s Council are $100 per individual.
Is there any financial aid for the CPR classes?
If you are a licensed child care provider, or work for a licensed provider, you can apply for reimbursement for CPR certification up to $200 per individual attending class. Reimbursements are issued on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we encourage you to submit your application as soon as you (or your staff) attend the class. While Children’s Council works hard to offer reimbursements to all applicants, we cannot guarantee funds will be available.
To apply for reimbursement, you must submit an application form, a receipt or proof of payment, proof of attendance, and a W9. Please follow submission directions on the application forms.
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